Jeremiah 29: 11, Jeremiah1:5, Isaiah 55:8-9
Before you were born, God has already conceptualized
and planned everything about you. God ways and plans are unsearchable, you
can’t know it all. He will reveal to you all you need to know at a particular
time (Gods time).
Gods thought and plans for everyone are uniquely
different. He has already arranged and packaged it and only those that will
call upon him, pray to him, seek him, inquire
and require him as a vital necessity with find him and when u find and
search for him with all your heart He will be found by you. Mattew 7:7
God never runs out of plans, He always has a plan. A
good one at that, Isaiah 29:11 that will give you peace hope for your future
and your welfare.
You seek to know God and his plans for your life not
just for a day but as a life time necessity.
God have good plans for our life but we have to
participate in that plan for it to come true. We need to cooperate with God every
single day of our lives, it’s a daily necessity to seek God and it has to be intentional.
Most times we plan and things don’t actually work the
way we planned it but when God gives you his plan and you cooperate with His
plan for you, it’s going to work out perfectly than you think or imagine why?
Because Isaiah 55:8 made us to understand that Gods ways are totally different
from man.
The difference is clear. God created the plan; He has
seen the plan from the beginning to the end and knows how the outcome will be.
But man knows only bit by bit not to the finish. God has already gone ahead to
even prepared the necessary provision even before revealing it to you.
Gods plan can only be revealed in the place of personal
relationship with GOD, Intimate fellowship. ”just
as our body need food, water and air to breathe so also we need God in our life
everyday to live, to develop our full potential, every day we ought to learn
something, every day we out to grow, every day we ought to discover something
new, every day we ought to be a bit further along than we were the day before. We
should be life time learners” JOYCE MEYER .
You learn to
spend time with God because it’s a vital necessity not because your pastor said
so or imposed it on you but because you have come to have a deeper
understanding that God is your life and you are noting outside Christ. When you
spend time with God you get to know him more and more, you begin to understand
what God likes and what offend him. You will understand the things he wants you
to do and how to do it.

I encourage you to make it your priority to spend time
with God because it is a vital necessity to your life.
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