Decision making is one of the crucial thing I life, it has to do with proper thinking and analyzing, determination, making up your mind about something.
At one point or the other you might have been in a position in which you have to state what needs to be done or how it should be done. It might be a position where by what you say or do really matters a lot, both in your life, family, relationship, business, career etc.

But before taking that bold step or making up your mind about that thing hey dear! Don’t you think someone higher (GOD) that knows it all needs to be involved? God is the author of our life as in 
Jeremiah 1:5 and jeremiah 49:16

God knows the end result of everything, He knows what is in your heart and the motive behind it, and He sees what you are not seeing. He already knows what will happen when you take that step or make that decision.

Knowing what the will of God is concerning everything in life will help you make the right decision; it keeps on the right track. Before you go ahead and make that decision you need to understand and know what God is saying concerning it. God has to be involved in your everyday live. Just before you accept that proposal and sign the contract you need to ask God if it’s his will for you or if there is another plan he has that would be better than this one.

 "oh yes God always has a better plan".

Many people has gotten themselves involved in their own plan which is not what God wants for them that has caused them pains. Most times we accept things and make decision on our own without Gods approval which is not Gods plan for our life. Some things ought not to happen if we seek God first before doing it but because we feel we have the right knowledge enough to go ahead, we end up regretting when the result turns out bad.

Sometimes the idea might look good but it’s not Gods will.

God is all knowing, when you seek the face of God concerning an issue and He directs you on how to go about it, it’s because He knows what the outcome will be. Just before you say yes to that job or sign that contract, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. 

Pray always. Seek God always before carrying out that plan. God always have a better plan for you but you have to seek him and know what the plans He has for you.

God’s will should come first before making any decision.
